Parenting: Packing for an infant

Disha Chhabra
3 min readSep 13, 2021


The first trip with your little one is always special. But it also needs a special level of preparation, especially when it comes to packing the baby’s stuff. From clothes to toys and medicines, the child may demand just about anything that you have at home. At the same time, carrying the entire household is not an option.

Recently I travelled to my hometown for ten days. This was my three month old daughter’s first trip outside the city. And I must say, my packing for her was grossly inadequate. In this blog, I have tried to document my learnings, which other new moms may find useful. And hopefully, I too shall remember for the next time.

Pack in advance

Used to packing last minute, I started my packing a few hours before sleeping. The next day, I had an early morning flight. The last minute packing was mentally exhausting, since I was scared if I missed anything. Also, packing in a hurry meant that I did not remember where I had packed what. Each time I needed something, I ended up getting everything out of the bag. This was not just tedious for myself but also for the kid. With the kid, it is better to pack in advance and avoid the last minute rush. Even if the stuff is not put in the suitcase, make sure you have a list and arrange things on the bed well in advance.

Carry more than less

I thought that since I was traveling home and not staying at some hotel per say, I would be able to wash her clothes as frequently as I did back home. And hence I packed less. However, as it turned out, that was not the case. Add to that, the humid weather. I was grossly under carrying. Also, I carried a lot of sleeveless dresses keeping in mind the hot weather. However, I forgot that there could be mosquitoes too. I recommend carrying all kinds of dresses, especially if the travel is slightly longer.

Carrying more than less is also true when it comes to the medicines. During the trip, one of the medicine bottles broke and we were not able to get the same brand of medicine in the new city. We ended up doing an online order and waiting for a few days for the medicine to reach us. Thankfully, we did not need the medicine in an emergency situation.

Pack their stuff at the top of the suitcase

When packing, I first packed her stuff and then filled the remaining space with my clothes. The idea was to ration my stuff based on the available space. But once I reached my destination, I needed her stuff immediately. That needed the entire suitcase to be emptied. I learnt to keep the essentials at the top rather than at the bottom most stack in the suitcase.

Be prepared for newer pee and poop patterns

When traveling, the water that the child intakes (either directly or through the mother) changes. That may result in different pee and poop patterns. One must be prepared for those. I was carrying one dress in the hand baggage keeping in mind the regular cycle. However, I needed to open the suitcase in the middle of the road to change. If this happened in the air, I would not have had any option.

Buy a kid stuff organizer bag

When one carries so many things for the kid, it is difficult to find the right stuff with one try. Buying a bag that has enough pockets and partitions should certainly help.

Be prepared to shop

We purchased a stroller as the need emerged, knowing very well we already had two of them back home. Know of the nearest shops where baby stuff can be purchased from, should you forget to carry anything.

Last but not the least, despite the best of preparations; things are bound to slip. Do not be too harsh on yourself. Enjoy the trip!



Disha Chhabra

Author of 3 books — ‘My Beloved’s MBA Plans’ , ‘Because Life Is A Gift’, ‘Corporate Avatars’ | Product Manager @ Google | Ex-Amazon,Paytm,Yatra | IIM-C